More about Mica!

My cat love 🙂

My cat Tito 🙂

My cat Luna 🙂

My puppy Max 🙂

My dog Sasha 🙂

I just feel like writing more so here I go. I’ll start with fashion for now. Fashion is a very important thing in my life. My appearance only matters to me because I want to wear and dress in styles as I like. I think that if I were to wear clothes that had neon green cats on them with some odd pun, I would slap myself. Anyways since my grade is VERY uncultured, I hope if anyone reads this, they will finally understand. I am not emo okay, I dress very grunge y2k okay. Anyways another thing that I love is drawing. As much as I love drawing I hate showing people my drawings unless I’m very close with them. My style is like those Pinterest drawings for pfps (profile pictures). Another hobby I love are the sports I play, I take Taekwondo (Tae-kwon-dough) and Equestrian which is another word for horse-back riding. They’re both very fun and tiring.

Now besides hobbies I just want to show my pets, but first a re-introduction because why not. I have pets, 5 to be exact. I have two British shorthairs, they are both sisters. Their names are Love and Luna. They’re both girls. I also have an Abyssinian cat named Tito, he’s a male. I also have two dogs. One of them is a pit bull +  brown Labrador mix named Sasha, while my other Maxamus is a pure black lab. We just call him Max though! That’s all for now<3