Projects this year!!








The book that was made!!(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵).                                                                                        The first book I read with my Language Arts class would be The Last Cuentista, by Donna Barba Higuera.  This book was about a 12 year old girl, Petra Peña and her family are meant to relocate after Earth is destroyed. In a 370-year journey, children are mysteriously reprogrammed and adults were purged, Petra becomes the lone messenger of the forbidden stories from Earth and her grandmother’s Mexican cuentos. She tries to reawaken these controlled people on her journey and tries to find her family after breaking contact with each other. The overall theme of this story is to remember where you came from and bring your experiences with you. It talks about how someone’s culture should be told, in any different way. In this book, I learned about culture through cuentos.  (<— personal belief)
At one point in the school year, classes had been assigned to make an ideal world. The world of all a person’s desires. An ideal world based on their ideas and philosophy, even. I had made a world based on an escape, creativity, music, passion, you get the gist. “Another important part is the city of Ariana. This is also in Cupidau. Ariana was known as the god of equality and testimony. They had protected their people during their intense war, Ragna. Ariana was battling the god of mischief and suffering, Alessandra. Alessandra had disappeared after the war ended, but never died. Her offspring, Zolay had kept her promise for when she returned, they shall hellfire upon Cupidau. Nobody knows anything more about this except the ruler of Musille.” (<— Small part of my ideal world) Now at the time I really enjoyed doing this and I still love the fact that I got to express myself with a creative project like this! I hope that I can write creative assignments again. At the time I was really focused on making a Greek Mythology based world with my own principles mixed into it. (I was extremely invested in Greek Mythology which inspired the theme for this. I still like Greek mythology! Just not as much as I did earlier in the year.) I really enjoy creative writing experiences! I think this was an expressive idea and I’m glad I was able to do this. 
This year I also did a really cool collaboration with an Artist/ Collagist. Her name is Peg Gignoux. ( <— her page, check it out, it’s awesome!! 😋) Me and other students had created a book using akua ink printing, collage, folding/cutting, putting on covers. I had a lot of fun with this! It was a challenge for me because I like to sketch and draw things more than collaging but I enjoyed this nonetheless! 
This year’s projects have been fun and creative, I hope I am able to do projects like these in the future!